A space with intention ignites life.

Feng Shui + Space Energetics
Space Design & Decor
~ Cozy Corner ~
Space Clearing Rituals
Housewarming & Milestone Ceremonies
Your space design should make you feel good.
Does it?
Yes, design is super important but it's not everything,
it has to work with your life too!
That's where ENERGETICS come in!
The way you feel in your home can direct a lot of manifestations or blocks in your life so...
let's look closer
Do you sleep well?
How's your intimacy?
Can you focus and think clearly?
Is your life chaotic? Are you experiencing anxiety?
Do you feel like you're constantly leaking money?
Do you feel cozy and comfortable at HOME?
Are you trying to move on from a relationship or start fresh?
curate a space you love that will
fuel + nourish
your needs
What are your goals?
Are you in the process of creating a home in your house?
Are you renovating or re-designing?
Are you looking to fine tune your life to optimize your wellbeing?
Maybe you're preparing to rent or sell and can't figure out why you have no prospects?​​​
want to dive into your space and mind reset right away,
scroll down...

Healing in Spaces
Our spaces are an extension of us. When our mind and energy is imbalanced it is reflected in our environment, our home life, & the spaces we spend our precious time.
Reversely when our environment is in a state of chaos, it creates mental dissonance + mindclutter.
When you seek lasting internal change it is crucial to work with your inner self + the interior of your space to create a high vibrational environment for high vibrational living.

Interior Retreat
Calibrate Your Mind & Interior Space
Move through stagnancy in space + emotions
Clear & Declutter Emotional & Physical Blocks
Learn to Implement Rituals in your space​
Connect to Space Flow & Energetics of Your Home
Personalized Feng Shui Bagua Map included
*** Bagua Map identifies the 8 areas of your Life & Home. It shows you the energy of each aspect of your life and from there we can focus on what changes we can implement to better nourish your lifestyle.
Stage 1:
Opening Ritual and Space Connecting Meditation​
Virtual Walk Through and Lifestyle Alignmen
Stage 2:
Bagua Map Initiation
Decluttering Plan
Stage 3:
Checking on Plan + lifestyle adjustments
Identifying life blocks + stagnation points
Stage 4:
Implementing new lifestyle habits & blueprint
Anchoring in new frequency into the mind and space
Closing ritual
***This is a virtual offer with a virtual walk through.
***Consists of (4) 60 minute Zoom Sessions, Bagua Map, Action Blueprint, Opening and Closing Meditation Ritual​